Saturday, December 4, 2010

5.08 Free Choice Blog

I read 3 extensive articles from the Tampa Tribune - December 4, 2010

Organism can grow on arsenic by:Associated Press

The article was about how scientists found a new bacteria that was observed to maintain growth even when crossed by arsenic. They described it as an "alien" substance because of how peculiar it was. What made it even more peculiar was that the bacteria used arsenic as nutrients, to help it grow.

Six major elements have been essential for life: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sufur. The peculiar bacteria is found in Mono Lake, California and the arsenic is substitue for  the phosphorus.

This article used the order of importance as the pattern of organization.  I found the article informative but the writing was very dry and repetitive.

City seeks Hixon Park tippling by: Christian M. Wade

The article was about how Curtis Hixon Park has been renovated and is now reopened. The author described it as nearly the same as it was before, just retouched because it was greatly needed. The new and only problem now is that the park isn't allowed to serve alcohol. Now the company that owns the park has to go to court to get a bill signed that states if they are allowed serve alcohol. The process will be complicated and prolonged. But the goal is to get it passed.

The article used order of importance as their organizational pattern. The article was not appealing to me at all. Perhaps, it was because I couldn't relate to the article. It was good writing that went into detail. However, I believe it could have been a little less dry.

Taste of winter staying another night by: Rob Shaw

The article was about how Floridians aren't so used to the the cold weather. We don't have cold weather too often so when it comes, it really hits us. In parts of Tampa, nights and mornings were getting as low as the 30s and is expected to be this way on and off. The high is only suppose to be about only 60 degrees. The National Weather Services in Ruskin stay that every couple of days there will be a cold front.

This story was very interesting. The writing was interesting to read. Perhaps, it was because, as a Floridian, I can relate to it myself. The article stated the most important facts first and then rambled and went further into details. Therefore, the pattern of organizaton used is order of improtance.