Sunday, October 24, 2010

3.07 Free Choice Blog

I read five articles for the September/October 2010 Issue of SPLASH Magazine.

#1  GETTING BACK ON FOCUS by Chelsey Walden Schreiner

The main topic of this article in the technique of swimming backstroke. 
The most important thing to remember in swimming backstroke is to have
a strong under water kick, keep your head all the way back and using long
arm strokes.

The author's intent was to help swimmers have a better backstroke.  The pattern of
organization was cause and effect.

This article reinforced the proper techniques to use in a good solid backstroke.

#2  Caroline Burckle by Bonnie Moss

This article is about Caroline Burckle's experiences in swimming.  She made history when she
broke the 18 year old 500 Freestyle record in 2008.  After she broke this record, she decided to
quit swimming and did so for 8 months.

After her time off, she made the decision to go back to swimming but with a different coach and a
different team.  She also decided to change her college major to Fashion Product Development. 

Currently, Caroline is training for the 2012 Olympics.  She is also a student and has sponsored her own charity called SurfAid International which assists with health care for those living in impoverished areas of the world.

The author's intent was to give introduce Caroline Burckle to the readership of Splash Magazine.
The pattern of organization used was order of importance.

This article improved by knowledge about Caroline Burckle and her achievements.

#3   Staying True by Garrett Weber-Gale

This article is about staying committed to your goals in swimming including diet, stretching, good rest,
working on stroke and maintaining shoulder strength.  The author suggests that eating well and working well in practice are very important parts of achieving your swimming goals.

The author's intent was to give first hand knowledge about how he achieved and continues to achieve his swimming goals.  The pattern of organization was classification.

This article reminded me of the importance of healthy eating and perseverance in my swimming goals.

#4   Sprinting for Charity by Mike Watkins

Nathan Adrian and seven of the fastest and most accomplished world sprinters will compete in the 50 meter freestyle at the Ocotber 16, 2010 Tiburon Sprint Classic.  This event benefits the USA Swimming Association and Hospice by the Bay.

This tournament event has created a lot of enthusiasm and interest among swimming enthusiasts as well as supports of Hospice.

The article highlights three of the swimmers who will compete: Ryan Lochte, Ben Wildman-Tobriner, and Matt Grevers.   

This intent of this article to introduce the Tiburon Sprint Classic and the several of the swimmers that will compete in the event.  The pattern or organization was to compare and contrast the three featured swimmers and what they each bring to the event.

My reaction to this article was that the title did not adequately portray the true intent of the article because I thought the article would be more about who the event benefits and less about the swimmers who were to compete.

#5  Profile of a Sprinter by Tom Slear

This article is about Jason Lezak who is a competitive freestyle sprinter.  The article explains that Jason's focus has always been on sprinting events which include the 50 freestyle and the 100 freestyle.  His endurance was so poor that he always complained to his coaches that a 500 freestyle was too long of a warm-up.  Over time, his coaches worked with Jason to convince him that training through distance sets would help him in his sprinting events.  This article highlights the drive and personality of sprinters and how they differ from swimmers who swimmer longer events.

The author's intent was to compare the characteristics of sprinters versus non sprinters.  The pattern of organization was compare and contrast.

This article reconfirmed and added to my knowledge of sprinters versus non sprinters.

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